Commonly, if you’re inclined to go searching for spiritual advice you look for someone with a label similar to the above. Here are the similarities and differences between these different labels.
Psychic: a psychic is a person who can tune into the present, past and future energies of a situation or circumstance.
Medium: A medium is a person who can tune into the spirit world. This can include passed over loved ones, angels, spirit guides, ascended masters and can include a whole bunch of other things depending on their personal beliefs and experiences.
A medium may also be referred to as a channel these terms are used interchangeably. There are different types of mediums and channels. A medium is also psychic as they can also tune into present, past and future trends but a psychic may or may not also be a medium.
Empath: An empath is an intuitive person who feels and senses energy in their surroundings and picks up intuitive information.
Healer: A healer clears, transmutes, and sends healing to an individuals energy system allowing them to heal themselves.
All healers, empaths, psychics and mediums are different and have different roles to play in working with energy. There is a wide range of abilities, ethics, values and attitudes as with any industry so be sure to use your intuition and discernment to recognize these differences and choose someone who is right for you 🙂
To see the healers available click here; to see the psychic mediums available click here.
Originally Published on 13th October 2017